Basic Policy on Sustainability

OSAKA SODA Group set its Basic Policy on Sustainability as “we aim to combine contributing to the realization of a sustainable society through our business activities with enhancing our corporate value” based on the Group Mission Statement of contributing to the realization of a safe and affluent society through our creative technologies and innovative products.”

Materiality (key issues)

The Group identified materiality (key issues) based on the Basic Policy on Sustainability using the following specific processes. We have established key elements for the four materiality of “providing social value through business,” “strengthening business foundations,” “developing human resources,” and “strengthening CSR activities,” and have incorporated them into concrete initiatives.



Initiatives for each materiality

Providing social value through business

Making social contributions through business activities

In order to contribute to the realization of a sustainable global environment through all of our corporate activities, we aim to become a corporate group capable of sustainable growth by strengthening existing businesses and establishing competitive advantages through the development of new products.

Providing new value demanded by society

We aim to resolve social issues and create new growth opportunities by reflecting the SDGs in our new product and business development policies.

Strengthening business foundations

Continuously strengthening business foundations

We will continue to provide value to society by strengthening the foundations on which we operate.


Measure (KPI)

Strengthening efforts for stable production

・Reviewing work standards

・Reflecting on past issues and confirming countermeasure continuity /effectiveness

・Operator training using skill maps

Improving product quality

・Conducting regular training to raise awareness levels for quality assurance

・Rigorously enforcing change management

・Surveying suppliers on their CSR, quality management, and other initiatives

Reinforcing technological development capabilities and passing on fundamental technologies

・Conducting regular technical meetings

・Taking cost reduction measures

・Curbing non-conforming products

Strengthening production facility management system

・Strengthening autonomous maintenance management system

・Reinforcing scheduled maintenance management system

・Introducing, operating, entrenching a facilities management system

Promoting DX

・Promoting visualization and standardization

・Standardizing operations, updating ERP, updating infrastructure and networks

・Improving productivity/R&D speed

・Increasing operational efficiency through automation/AI

Developing human resources

Creating an employee-friendly workplace and developing human resources

By incorporating the values of diverse people and creating a work environment in which each and every employee feels job satisfaction, we will contribute to more sustainable economic growth.


Measure (KPI)

Reforming corporate culture and organizational culture

・Instilling the management philosophy system

・Promoting and executing business reforms

Expanding educational opportunities

・Clarifying skills by grade

・Reviewing education and training program

Promoting women's active engagement

・Reviewing recruitment activities (ratio of female new graduates hired: 20% or more) 

・Reviewing personnel and education systems (Increasing the ratio of female manager, including section chiefs by 1.5x by fiscal 2025 [vs. fiscal 2021])

Promoting work-life balance

・Encouraging use of annual paid leave (target: 70% or more)

・Encouraging male employees to use the childcare leave system

Strengthening CSR activities

Occupational Safety and Health・Process Safety and Disaster Prevention

We consider stable operations and ensuring the safety and health of our employees to be important management issues, and will promote the creation of an employee-friendly workplace and manufacturing that takes the environment and safety into consideration.


Measure (KPI)

Eliminating lost worktime injuries by promoting health and safety activities

・Organizing, understanding, and upholding work procedures

・Promoting 5S activities

・Utilizing information from past issues and incidents

・Instilling the Safety Guidelines (zero lost worktime accidents)

・Implanting safety skill acquisition systems

Promoting mental health care and activities for better physical health

・Interviews at high-stress workplaces and activities to improve the workplace environment

・Mental health training (absences from work due to mental health issues: less than 0.6%)

・Recommending reexamination for those who require detailed testing or re-testing

・Promoting specific health guidance (checkup findings, re-testing/detailed testing rate: 70% or more)(checkup findings: less than 30%)

Curbing serious accidents

・Mitigating risks through hazard source identification activities, including KY, RA, SA, HAZOP

・Improving security management level

・Promoting facility management (zero serious accidents)

Preparing for major natural disasters

・Upkeep of disaster prevention equipment, goods, and materials

・Conducting disaster drills in anticipation of large-scale earthquakes, etc. 

・Reviewing BCP

・Planned renewals of aging facilities

Chemicals management・Safety and quality

We will promote the management of chemical substances in consideration of health, safety, and the environment throughout the entire chemical product supply chain.


Measure (KPI)

Complying with domestic and international chemical regulations

・Appropriately complying with Japanese chemical laws and regulations such as the Chemical Substances Evaluation Law, the Chemical Substances Management Law, and the Fluorocarbons Recovery and Destruction Law

・Appropriately complying with EU-REACH and other chemical laws and regulations outside Japan

・Disseminating information on revisions to chemical laws and regulations

・Conducting compliance training

Providing product safety information

・Preparing and providing product Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) on our corporate website

・Providing information on chemical substance content through JAMP chemSHERPA

・Supporting customer research requests

Addressing Climate Change Issues

As a sustainable company, we will promote environmental management and will aim to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.

Initiative Measure(KPI)
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

・Introducing high-efficiency equipment

・Promoting energy conservation activities

・Streamlining production processes

・Promoting the use of green energy

(reduce CO2 emissions: by 30% in fiscal 2030 [vs. fiscal 2013])

Environmental preservation

We will contribute to the realization of a sustainable global environment by harmonizing business, the environment, and society through environmental conservation activities.

Initiatives Measure(KPI)
Reducing industrial waste landfill rate

・Increasing recycling rate of ash dust

・Reducing volume and recycling brine mud

・Promote in-house reuse (final landfill rate: less than 1% in fiscal 2030)