Basic Purchasing Policy

OSAKA SODA Group has established the following policies with regard to its purchasing activities.


1.Compliance with laws and regulations

 OSAKA SODA Group complies with Japanese and overseas laws and social norms in its purchasing activities.


2.Human rights and labor

 OSAKA SODA Group promotes purchases from business partners that respect human rights and do not engage in unfair discrimination, forced labor, child labor, or other human rights violations.


3.Environment, quality, and safety

 With corporate social responsibility in mind, OSAKA SODA Group promotes purchases from business partners that take environmental preservation, quality assurance, and occupational safety into consideration.


4.Fair and impartial transactions

 OSAKA SODA Group strives for fair, impartial, and transparent transactions, and builds relationships of trust with our business partners.


5.Managing information

 OSAKA SODA Group appropriately manages important matters and information obtained through transactions and strives to maintain confidentiality.


6.Cutting off ties with antisocial forces

 OSAKA SODA Group will cut off any relations with antisocial forces and organizations.

CSR Procurement Guidelines

OSAKA SODA Group has set a Basic Policy on Sustainability of “aiming to combine contributing to the realization of a sustainable society through our business activities with enhancing our corporate value” and conducted business activities.

In our purchasing activities, we fulfill our social responsibility throughout the supply chain and strive for sustainable procurement. We believe that the understanding and cooperation of our business partners are essential to realize these goals.

We have compiled CSR Procurement Guidelines, which we would like everyone to work on together with OSAKA SODA Group. We ask for everyone’s understanding and action regarding these guidelines.