We, OSAKA SODA CO., LTD. and its Group companies (hereinafter, the “Group”) recognize the importance of ensuring the proper handling of personal information and as such have established the following privacy policy (hereinafter, the “Policy”).


  1. Acquisition and Use of Personal Information

The Group shall obtain personal information through appropriate means in compliance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other relevant laws and regulations.

Personal information shall be used and handled appropriately to the extent necessary to carry out the following purposes and shall not be used for purposes other than those described below.

  • Providing the Group’s products and services and related information (including catalogs, materials, etc.)
  • Proposing planning and development of the Group’s products and services
  • Advertising and other marketing of the Group’s products and services
  • Improving the quality of the Group’s products and services
  • Responding to inquiries and requests
  • The carrying out of other business related to the above


  1. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

The Group shall not provide personal information to third parties except with the consent of the individual or in accordance with laws and regulations.


  1. Shared Use of Personal Information

The Company may share information among Group companies in order to carry out the purposes set forth in Item 1 of this Policy.

Please check the details of our Group companies here.


  1. Information Management System

The Group has established internal regulations concerning the handling of personal information, appointed a chairperson for the Information Management Committee, and appointed a person in charge of personal information for each division of the Company and each Group company in order to carry out comprehensive management for the protection of personal information.


  1. Personal Information Security Control Measures

The Group shall take necessary and appropriate safety control measures for the management of personal information, including to prevent its leakage, loss, or damage.

(1)Organizational safety control measures

  • Establishment of an internal organizational structure
  • Establishment of internal regulations and operation in accordance with regulations, etc.
  • Establishment of a communication system in case of accident or violation
  • Evaluation, review, and improvement of personal information security control measures

(2)Individual safety control measures

  • Education and training for employees

(3)Physical safety control measures

  • Implementation of access control

(4)Technical safety control measures

  • Identification, authentication, and recording with regard to the access of personal information
  • Countermeasures against unauthorized software for information systems handling personal information


6.Entrustment of Personal Information

The Group may outsource the management of personal information in order to carry out the purposes set forth in Item 1 of this Policy. The Group shall enter into confidentiality agreements with subcontractors and supervise the proper management of personal information.


7.Procedures for Disclosure, Correction, Suspension of Use, Etc., of Retained Personal Information

If an individual requests the disclosure, correction, suspension the use, etc., of personal information held by the Group, we will promptly respond after confirming the identity of the individual.

However, if there is a risk of harm being caused to the life, body, property, or another right or interest of the individual or a third party, if there is a risk of significantly hindering the proper implementation of the Group’s business, or if it violates another law or regulation, measures shall be taken to prevent some or all of these procedures from being carried out.


Revised April 1, 2024