Responsible Care

Responsible Care is a voluntary commitment made by companies that manufacture or handle chemical substances to implement measures that will ensure the safety of people and the environment by actively engaging in efforts to achieve these goals based on corporate management policies and other business principles. This means formulating and putting into practice measures to protect and promote safety, health and the environment across the entire life cycle of products, from the development of chemical substances throughout their transport, distribution, use, and up to final consumption and disposal after use, in accordance with principles for which the chemical industry has voluntarily taken responsibility to formulate and implement.Osaka Soda has therefore adopted the following principles that form our fundamental vision of Responsible Care.

Basic Policy

1. Environmental Conservation

(1) We will promote environmental conservation with respect for and protection of harmony in the global environment.

(2) We will make efforts to reduce our impact on the surrounding environment including air and water resources.

(3) We will promote energy and resource conservation, and make efforts to use resources more effectively and reduce waste.

2. Security and Disaster Prevention

(1) We will make efforts to prevent major accidents and disasters with the mindset that “everything begins with safety.”

(2) We will strictly follow our crisis management procedures during emergency situations.

(3) We will be thorough in our safety management of high pressure gases, hazardous materials, poisons and highly toxic substances.

(4) We will be scrupulous in our safety management of facilities and equipment.

3. Occupational Health and Safety

(1) We will reduce potential hazards and strive to eliminate workplace accidents.

(2) We will make efforts to establish a pleasant workplace environment including working conditions.

(3) We will make efforts to maintain and improve occupational health.


4. Safety in Logistics

(1) We will comply with legal and other requirements to ensure safety in the transport of products.

(2) We will take comprehensive measures for safety in all our logistics operations in order to reduce risks in the transport and distribution of our products.

5. Safety and Quality Assurance of Chemicals and Other Products

(1) We will strive to eliminate quality problems, and provide products that will satisfy our customers.

(2) We will undertake appropriate chemical management in compliance with the respective regulations in each country.

(3) We will take appropriate measures to encourage and enable our business partners to safely manage the handling of chemical products.

6. Dialogue with Society

(1) We will bear in mind the concerns of regulatory authorities and people in the communities where we operate, strive to disclose necessary information, and make efforts to engage in dialogue.

(2) We will engage in ongoing dialogue and information exchanges with members of the local communities, and pursue activities that contribute to society.


We will communicate our Basic Policy on implementing Responsible Care and our related activities to all employees within the company and to the general public.

Organizational Structure of Responsible Care

We are continuously improving our RC activities - including Occupational
Safety & Health and Process Safety & Disaster Prevention - by adopting the PDCA cycle.